
Design and Construct Hot Dip Galvanizing Plants both Domestically and Internationally


Add: Jinshan Bridge Zone, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China
Mobile: 86-13805211808
Tel: 86-516-83168088
Email: xy-rjd@163.com

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Panorama of External Production Workshop
Panorama of External Production Workshop
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Hot-dip Galvanizing Production Line Type
The following production line, we can provide the full service from designing to producing qualified products:
1、Steel tower and steel structure
2、Structure steel blow plating
3、Expressway guard bar and pole
4、Standard parts and Electric power fittings
5、The environment equipments includes: treatment for acid mist, smoke, waste water and poor acid and recycling.
According to the equipment and the plant to decide the galvanizing production line's layout, which including L type layout, U type layout and C type layout.
Heating mode includes: electricity, natural gas, coal, oil, etc.

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