
Design and Construct Hot Dip Galvanizing Plants both Domestically and Internationally


Add: Jinshan Bridge Zone, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China
Mobile: 86-13805211808
Tel: 86-516-83168088
Email: xy-rjd@163.com

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Xinyue Brand Galvanizing Production Line for Expressway Guard Bar and Pole
Xinyue Brand Galvanizing Production Line for Expressway Guard Bar and Pole
  • Model:
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In 1990 Xinyue Company independently designed and used hot dip blow galvanizing line for expressway guard bar and pole, as a pioneer project in China. Thanks to continuous improving in the past over ten years and use in many galvanizing factories, now the product is still in the leading position in China. The semi-automatic or full-automatic production lines can be made according customer’s requirements. The guiding staff inside blowing system of steel pole line can decrease the zinc consumption considerably. Our company has popularized this technology to several hundred steel pipe hot galvanizing enterprises and obtained notable social benefits.
Technical index:
Production capacity: 25000~35000 tonnes/year.
Production speed: >2 pieces/min.
Rate of qualified products: >98%。
Automatic scope:after applying solvent to the workpiece to be galvanizing, it is carried onto conveyer belt and the qualified products are produced with unmanned operation; or full automatic operation is made according to the requirements of the customer.
Automation level:high precision mechanical motion, whole new electric device automation and repair rate <1%






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